Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Why Cheap, Outsourced SEO Will Cost You in the Long Run

As an entrepreneur and business owner, you undoubtedly receive several unsolicited emails and pre-recorded phone messages that claim to be able to propel your website to the top of Google for just a few hundred dollars a month. While search engine optimization is one of the most powerful forms of online marketing, putting your company’s website in the hands of a low-quality SEO provider can be disastrous.
 Several new businesses and startups engage with overseas companies in an effort to save money in the beginning. The lure of SEO services for only a few hundred dollars when a professional agency will quote several thousand dollars is enough to hook many business owners. Here are five reasons to avoid cheap, outsourced SEO: to read more of this post click here, https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/233941

Reason # 1
99 % of the techniques the overseas companies use are more than 3 years old. There testimonials look impressive until you look at the date the video or post was dated. These companies are not using what Google suggest the up to date elements Google wants to see.
Reason #2
When you let a company overseas use out dated processes on your site, it could cause you to be penalized by Google. You see what worked 3 years ago, or even 18 months ago, will not work now.
Reason #3
The over seas companies play on your greed of not able to pay for the service here in the United States by some companies that do know what they are doing. Even in the united states though, there are a lot of companies that are not up to date with what Google wants to see.
The over seas companies have a lower labor cost than here in the States.
Reason #4
Companies over seas need desperately to have that monthly income just like the traditional companies and Agencies here in the US do as well. Both will continue to string you along and never increase your ranking on Google.
Reason # 5
Reason number 5 isn't your typical reason that one would think, but could be the most important.
The most important reason not to use a company over seas is, there is no need to go over seas for low cost services that are the most up to date elements used to increase the ranking of your site on Google. 
What I like and most small businesses do as well is, you can get the work done for a fixed cost and without entering a monthly contract. Most small businesses don't have a website big enough to warrant a monthly service contract.
You can get that low fixed cost service to optimize your website to increase your ranking on Google at probizranker.com.
They have 2 packages. A Basic package and a Premium Package for those companies that have a lot of competition and need a larger presence online. Check them out, I think you will be surprised. http://probizranker.com/business-website-services/

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